Shoot the one attacking the children

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:16, 23 October 2008 by Power8 (Talk | contribs)
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You shot the one attcking the children, bravely sacraficing yourself to save them as you are being eating alive you hear them wisper "thank you". 27 years later the two children have wiped out the zombies and repopulated the earth. 2 years later evey city has a stautue of you, people call you the savyour of the human race, people prais your name. 17 years later zombies come back kill most of population, but zombies lose and for some reason retreat. 7 years later you rise and take control of the zombies, 1 year later zombies evolve to past human intelagince, 7 months later humans and zombies strick a peace treaty because zombies no longer need to feed on humans, they can now feed on normal food. 7 years later the firs human-zombie child is born, she is called the best of bolth worlds. Eveyone lives together in peace now, and its all thanks to you.=)

                           THE END
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