Trust this man. He's looks so professional.
From Create Your Own Story
You trust the guy. He sounds so professional, and nobody on the planet would think about raping somebody after a plane crash. You strip down to your birthday suit, and the doctor looks twice before acting. Working from the top down, the doctor treats your wounds and makes no flaws or faults that would make you uncomfortable. He finishes, and before you could reach for your clothing, the doctor says, "Whoa, I'm not done. I have to look for my suitcase so I can sew up your wounds. Oh, and you should look for your suitcase so you have clothing that won't infect you wounds. Here, put this on." The doctor takes off his shirt and gives it to you. You put his shirt and look for your suitcase. Where do you look first?
Well, because most of the plane landed in the ocean and swept up on shore, you'll look on the shore.
You don't care about finding your baggage. You'll just find some luggage and pick out of that.