Victim: Lay back down to sleep

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:00, 10 July 2008 by Bat (Talk | contribs)

You wake up in the morning, at least you think it is morning, because the light is on. You are still naked, in this strange room, with only a bed, toilet, and shower tap. You sit down on the toilet and pee, then step under the shower to get freshened up. You have no towel, so you have to sit around all wet, and a little chilly.

Suddenly, the door opens and you see a man in a hazmat suit walk in. You frantically look around for something to cover yourself, but, there being nothing, you shove a hand into your crotch and place your forearm over your breasts. The man adresses you.

"Ma'am, you have been apprehended for a secret military experiment. We will inject you with a serum which we will later use in the military, if it proves succesfull."

"I don't want any kind of shot!" you scream. HeGrabs you, and shoves a nee

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 25 Nothing
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