Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Pizza party!

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Everyone heads for the pizza, spreading out the boxes and picking out slices from their favorites. There's plenty to go around - looks like the studio spares no expense for meetings like this. You eagerly take a slice of pepperoni and a combo, then head back to your table where you still have a bottle of cola waiting for you. The girls sitting with you collect their slices and sit around the table. You all just enjoy the free food for a little while, making little bits of small talk between bites, going back for seconds.

You take a little time to just watch your new friends, seeing how they like to eat their pizza. Valerie is pretty straightforward, just eating straight through with big bites. Pretty much how you eat it, too, so you have that in common. Florence, on the other hand, takes smaller nibbles across its edge, taking time to savor each bite. When she comes to a slice of pepperoni, she delicately sucks it into her mouth and just holds it there for a moment before finishing it. You figure she focuses much more on flavor than quantity, something you've never really considered before.

Other furs are chatting with each other in their own little groups. Periodically, you'll notice some of them looking your way, sometimes making little gestures to you but then going back to their conversations. Somehow, you thought the novelty of your unique combination of features would last longer, but perhaps that sort of novelty doesn't mean too much to a studio full of porn stars.

As the pizza disappears, the party starts to wind down. Jim, Rob, and Reggie all leave without saying anything, still chatting about something important, to be sure. Cheval stays behind, just watching the room for a while. Jill and Rebecca come over to you and say, "Hey, Ron, we're gonna head out. Really loved meeting you today! Wanna come watch our shoot tomorrow?"

You're caught a little off-guard, but recover quickly and say, "Sure! I'd love to."

"Awesome! See you then. It's at 2:00." Then they head for the door together and disappear.

Barbara approaches you next while you finish off another slice of pizza. "Hope you had a good time, Ron. Time for me to head home, too. Everyone's welcome to stay as long as they like here. Just turn the lights out if you're the last one to leave." She waves to the girls. "See you all tomorrow. I'll have your new scripts ready to go over in the morning."

Florence responds quietly, "I'm looking forward to it. Have a good night!" She returns to her pizza, and your new boss takes off.

Your mom comes up behind you and puts her hands on your shoulders. "Hey Ronnie. I think I'm gonna head home too. Gonna catch that show I was talking about last week. Are you coming? Or did you want to stay here and chat with folks?"

You glance around the room. You have a great opportunity to get to know more of the group, but you're also feeling a bit tired. What to do?

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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