BF1 You drive hard and fast (1)

From Create Your Own Story

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Angry, You get ready to shift into gear "lets see if these bastards can do 90" you gun it hard and drive them in circles. You're pushing the speed when you hit 88 mph you start to see sparks things shift than bang. It's dark and empty you seem to be in a field it's very disorienting. You hit a scarecrow then smash into a barn. The helmet of the radiation suit you are wearing falls down into place. When you open the door a terrified family runs out. "Wait" you try to speak through the hemut it's all muffled they can't hear you. You lift the helmet showing your face "hello sorry about your barn" bam a shot gun rings out. Oh my god they're shooting at you. You dive into the car and drive through the barn running over one of the two Pine trees in front of you. You can hear cursing behind you. You drive a le trying to sort your head you decide to drive home. You get there all that's there is a billboard advertising plans to start development. You try to collect yourself you look at the dash September 5th 1955. Oh my god you did it you traveled back in time. The car quits. "No no...don't do this" you curse the car won't turn back over. You stash it behind the billboard. You take the radiation suit off. You're wearing jeans a long sleeve button up shirt and your orange vest. Dawn is starting as you were unable to get a ride from a s elderly couple when you still had on your radiation suit there are no more cars. You walk to town it is now full daylight. It's all very surreal. There's a paper it confirms the date. Disoriented by your situation you try to collect yourself.

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