TSRM-She wakes up?

From Create Your Own Story

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With the increased pressure on her chest, Bayley shifts slowly in discomfort. She blinks in confusion, trying to shake off the fog of sleep while trying to figure out what's going on. Then her eyes snap open, and her mouth opens, though your not sure whether she was about to scream or ask you a question. As soon as your sister does so, you firmly shove the head of your dick inside her mouth, the dampness quickly smearing it with saliva. Mumbling is all you can hear through her mouth being full but you have a good idea of what she is saying.

"It is not nice to take other people's stuff, you know? I think I'll have to teach you a lesson, and this is a good way to do it." You grin as you lean in closer, sliding more of your girth between her lips and over her tongue. Pushing only a few inches in at a time to keep the pleasure constant, you gently start thrusting into her, even though you're too long to safely fill the inside of Bayley's mouth.

At first, Bayley grunts and mumbles in protest as you continue to firmly mouth-fuck her with your massive member. But soon, she quiets down, having resigned herself to your abuse. With every thrust you make, your sister's body shifts on the bed, and her head sinks deeper into the pillow. As you stare down at her face, you can see confusion and sadness well up in her eyes, but you don't care at this point; you're so lost in incestual lust that you can't help but smirk at her cute blue eyes. In an almost compassionate fashion, you brush a few loose strands of hair out of her eyes with your free hand, hoping that you might be able to lift her spirits some. Still, the glazed look in her eyes doesn't fade, and with the quickening movements of your hips, you can't blame her.

After a few minutes of thrusting, your sister's mouth seems to widen a bit more, allowing your dick to slam into the back of her throat. The sudden sensation causes her to choke and cough, trying to get rid of the large object that now blocked most of her air canal. But instead, it only brings you closer to climax as her muscles convulse around your dick, and her tongue desperately swirls up and down your dick. You're not sure how much longer you can hold out from this pressure, but you are definitely enjoying the feeling...

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