Day 2 at the House of Horrors

From Create Your Own Story

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You, Christina, Jessica, Mattie, Michelle and Ashley wake up, shower, brush your teeth, get dressed in your uniforms and go down for breakfast. You then go about your school. Apart from the armed guards and the apparent floggings that go on in the school, Flagel appears to be quite normal. The first lesson you have is chemistry. This is followed by Maths. Then lunch.

You notice the guards only patrol outside the building. Jessica comments on this, you reckon she still intends to escape. After lunch, you attend geography. After lessons are over, you and the other girls return to your dorm. As you all begin to settle down, Sandra comes in.

"Room 16 has been selected for this week's evening thrashing"

An evening thrashing? Is she serious?

"One of you girls is going to get a good caning"

You could volunteer yourself but that would hurt.

Christina is keeping your head down.

Jessica will have a hard time convincing Sandra's gang to let her join is she gets caned but that also means the gang has one less member.

If Mattie is caned, you would be able to see how tough she really is.

Michelle is confident her parents will sue the school and get it shut down, if she is thrashed.

Ashley says that Sandra plans to flog her anyway. Maybe if she's caned now, she'll be spared the whip later.

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