TFA: Handle this bitch on your own

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“Fuck fuck fuck...” your mind keeps repeating to itself as you run towards the barracks. If lord Ren finds out you failed to guard his prisoner, you are dead. It’s quite simple, he will come after you, he will find you...

And he will kill you.

“Fuck fuck fuck...” you think until you arrive at the barracks. All men are suiting up and you spot your friend Jim in a corner. He looks as tired as ever, this is usualy his sleeping shift.

“What a day isn’t it? Can’t have one night rotation and a good day of sleep afterwards, not one! And with this alarm breaking my ears...” He whines.

You remark that he is right, there is an alarm roaring all around the base since you left your post. Your heart sinks. That means Ren knows. You can already hear the loud steps of the Sith, his shallow breathing under his mask, his lightsaber igniting to slice you in half as you scream in

“Anyway, this should end quickky. Han Solo, his wookiee and our old mate FN-2187 are probably running around activating one alarm after the other, they won’t be hard to find.” He continues.

They are not looking for her! What a relief! You know exactly what to do. You pick a blaster in the weapon’s rack and head out without saying a word. While the whole base will be running in a direction looking for the traitor and his relics, the scavenger scum will probably be running the other direction, trying to avoid the traffic.

With that in mind, what happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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