Forget about reputation, this sounds interesting
From Create Your Own Story
"You must be just anxious..." A man tried to soothe the dark-haired one.
"No...I am not just anxious...the unusual mind-control is spreading like an epidemic."
"Please let me finish...I meant that you are not prepared for believing that sort of situation forcing your anxiety to kick in along with the fact loud noises does not allow you to think clearly."
"Yet they all have less vivid eyes is like some sort of fog had taken over their thought process."
"I hate to admit I am impressed that he caught all of the details."
The dark haired man then started to incline from anxious to paranoid towards the sea of people.
"That is just mean. It took me forever to calm his nerves to that level...and I thought you were the second most rational Vanto." The man snapped in sudden irritation to the man named Vanto.
You remembered your career partner bitterly...despite rising through the ranks together, he only helped you because he needed to.
"Well...I do have an observation test on Thrawn to prove or disprove us once and for all."
"Wait...why does Thrawn have to do with any of this?" The man demanded. You then looked at him oddly as he just reffered to you as just Thrawn.
"He has less vivid eyes now. If we are right...he acts differently...if you are...he didn't. Is it a deal?"
"Deal." The other nodded his head.
You felt a shiver run up your spine.
It is not a nice thought to have when people might be stalking you...watching your every move.
You believe you should call them out...yet you also want to know what they are up to next.
You decide to: