House Lannister: Hear Me Roar

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Revision as of 21:02, 29 June 2018 by AonfyrLoegaire (Talk | contribs)


(Note: Image Credit to 'CrimsonAnchors' on DeviantArt)

The Lannisters of Casterly Rock have ruled since the time of Lann the Clever, who used guile to trick the former rulers of Casterly Rock, House Casterly, into giving the Castle to him. From this, the Lannisters have served as Kings of the Rock since the Age of Heroes and Loreon I Lannister, yet were eventually defeated by Aegon Targaryen in his invasion. Now, for 298 years, House Lannister has served as Wardens of the West, the Kingdom of the Rock being lost with the submission of King Loren I Lannister. Identified by distinctive blond hair and Natural Beauty, the Lannister House has had a long feud with House Stark of Winterfell dating back to the Rebellion of Robert Baratheon.

Now, the noble and ancient house has managed to become possibly the most powerful family in The Seven Kingdoms, with the head of the family, Tywin Lannister, being considered to be the richest man in Westeros. Likewise, the Lannister influence is seen in the royal court, with Queen Cersei Lannister being the bride to King Robert I, while Jaime Lannister is a member of the Kingsguard.

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