You see a light

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:47, 8 June 2018 by SergeantC (Talk | contribs)

You look around. There is nothing nearby except the darkness, the mist, and a few tree branches that form dim shadows in your sight. However, further away, you see -- something.

Could it be what you think it is?

You look again.

It is. It's a light.

It's dim small and seems to be a long way away. You have the impression that it's been there for all along and you just noticed it now.

You look at it, wondering what it means.

Is it a chance of survival, or is it a trap? You don't know.

For a while, you debate what to do. Part of you wants to do everything you can to survive, to live, to get out of these hellish woods, to escape from, even defeat, the creep who is chasing you. Part of you thinks you can't survive, that you will be dead by the time the sun rises in seven or eight hours.

You are the only survivor of your friends. That should make you the final girl, but you have seen quite a number of slasher flicks, enough to know that the final girl is generally pure, virginal even, probably straight, and always fully dressed. You are none of those things. You're alive so far because you've been very lucky, but your luck can't last much longer.

You debate for a while, then decide. It's simple, really. You don't have a choice. If there's someone out there who can help you, you need to meet them. If it's the creep, you can only hope your luck will last a while longer.

You leave your shelter and walk slowly, carefully, through the woods. You take your time, looking around you frequently and paying attention to where you put your feet, careful not to make any noise.

After what must be at least an hour, you finally reach the light.

It's coming from a small shed. You stop, stand still, watch the shed for a while. It's deserted, or appears to be.

When you are satisfied that you are alone, that the creep is nowhere near you, you approach the shed.

It's a small shed, with one door. The door fits loosely in its frame: you saw the light through the gap. You try the handle and it opens.

You push open the door and go into the shed.

The she is small and mostly bare, with tin walls and a dirt floor. The light comes from a small bulb in the ceiling. The only thing in the shed is a small bag sitting in the center of the floor. You pick it up and open it.

Inside is a small knife and a note written on a piece of cheap paper. You look at the ring and then read the note.

It says, You can defeat the demon by saying the incantation below and then stabbing him with this blade.

Below that is a tongue-twisting jumble of letters. You try pronouncing it. You can, but just barely. However, it is a long incantation.

The demon, you think, must refer to the creep who is chasing you. You now have a way to defeat him, a way to survive.

However, you aren't certain it's that useful. You have to recite a spell or incantation that will take at least five seconds to complete, then then stab him with this small knife, one that will force you to get too close to him and his machete. The whole time, he will be slashing you with his machete. You aren't sure this is that useful.

You have to decide. Take it, or leave it here.

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a girl who likes girls)
Dead:Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie
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