SRTS/To let it go

From Create Your Own Story

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You allow your face to slowly soften as you come up with an interesting idea. You say with a slight smile, "You know you can't do a good job on a dildo. It has to be the real thing."

They look at each other and Sue says, "Really." There is no hint of anything other than wonder on her face.

You maintain your slight smile as you look at them and say, "Yes. That is the only way to know who can take it deeper. Because that, "you point to the dildo in their hands, "does not have the soft head a real one does."

They both look at each other with the wonder, then Anna asks, "Really?"

You nod, then say, " Besides, having the real thing means someone to judge fairly. Neither of you will ever admit to losing to the other, so you need someone to judge."

They both look at each other with distrust in their eyes. Sue says, "Not like we can get one of those." You are surprised to find disappointment in her face, which was quickly followed by Anna's face showing an equal level of disappointment.

Anna says, "But we have to know who the winner is."

Not that long ago you were quite content to sit in your room and watch porn. Now you are on the verge of having your sisters do something of a sexual nature. There was nothing planned about any of this, but you won't look a gift horse in the mouth. You know all you have to do is convince one of them and the other will go along. You are planning on using their competitive nature work against them to give you a blowjob, and perhaps a great deal more.

With the same slight smile, you look them both in the eyes, then say, "You can use mine."


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