Ask to become a prostitute

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With a heavy sigh, Leogace's gaze falls to the ground. "I had hoped you wouldn't have asked that. But... if that's what you truly want, then... I'll take you to where you need to go."

You feel bad that Leogace seems so upset about this, but you feel like you don't have much choice. You follow him to a shadier part of the city, despite this, it's still very nice and well kept. You arrive at what looks to be a bar, the only indication that it's a whore house is the sign above the door. It reads, The Spread Eagle, and has an etching of a woman's legs spread far apart.

"Here you are." Leogace sighs.

"Are't you coming too?" you ask.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in there. I'm sorry. You're on your own. Goodbye."

Before you can even respond, Leogace turns and leaves without another word. Now you feel even worse, but you compose yourself and head inside. The inside looks just as much of a bar as the outside. There's plenty of private booths and open ones, you can't see what goes on in the private ones, but on the open ones you see numerous drunks with girls in maid costumes sitting either near them or on them. Though fully clothed, you can tell that they're all doing sexual acts. You imagine something similar occurs in the private booths, just without the clothes.

At the bar you spot a good looking man cleaning cups and walk up to him. "Can I help you?" he asks, as he eyes you for a second before returning his attention back to work.

"I was told I could find work here." you sheepishly ask, as the moans heard throughout the bar make you blush.

He looks at you again, but says, "Not for your kind."

"My kind?" you ask, shocked.

"Dark elves don't belong here. You're unusable."

"What do you mean?"

The bar tender sets the clean mug down, and looks at you very seriously. "I mean that you can only fuck a limited number of times, and that's if you're even still a virgin. You climax on your first go, and you won't for anyone else. Hell, you wouldn't even feel other customers, and people don't like fucking something that doesn't react. No business in that, got it?"

But you're not ready to give up just yet, and ask, "But I am a virgin, isn't there something I can do?"

The bar tender pauses and thinks for a minute. "Well, we can remove the magic that binds you to someone."

"Okay, how do we do that?"

He grins at you and says, "You get fucked in every hole for two days straight. We'd get a hundred guys in here to fuck you nonstop, and they'd all have to cum inside you, making it very likely you'd get pregnant."

You stand there bewildered that you would have to do that on your first time, and can't say anything other than, "Um..."

"Having second thoughts now? Well, I won't force you, that's not how we do things around here. But just so you know, people would pay thousands to get the chance to fuck someone as gorgeous as you. We'd take 40%, but you'd still be rich beyond your wildest dreams within a few days."

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

silk dress

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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