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On the ferry, amorous stranger >> Pier

Seaside Bay Downhill:

Pier: next boat back is cancelled, room offered by Ling family
Dripping Teat Inn - Innkeeper Murray, common room with a motley crew of scowling sailors, rough men and unclad ladies drinking; offers muggy damp room on second floor, frequent visitors believing Sue is a prostitute and not taking no for an answer
Variety Store - Ms White sells most everything, including bizarre (and living!) sextoys
Ling Home - Wai and Millie is a couple that desperately wants kids; they offer a soggy bed and hopes Wai gets to inseminate their guests
Old Wharf - Slocum, friendly, ready to offer advice for sexual favors
Fisherman's Huts - lots of rape here
Marsh & Co - Office with Mr Marsh, insistently touchy; murky pool in basement
Abandoned house - inhabitated by tentacles
Ruined house - fish ogre in cellars


Mowry Home - four men desperate for women
Schoolhouse - Ellen Merman, schoolteacher that ignores the advances of her class
Mowry's Grocery - general store
Damp Lane - Sue can sell her body here
St Johns Church, abandoned ruin
Faith Church, closed, boarded up, secret hideout of Rabal, rapist and survivor and possible ally
Congregational Church - services to the "gift of life", visitors are encouraged to be "baptised" (impregnated)

         Dripping  Variety Ling Mowry    Mowry's    Damp - Speakeasy
         Teat Inn   Store  Home  Home   Groceries   Lane Schoolhouse
             |        |      |     |        |         |      |
Pier      -  Waterfront  -  Martin St - Town Square - Eliot St - Faith Church
                 |                          |
Old Wharf -  Waterfront  - Marsh & Co   Church St - Congregational Church
                 |                          |
                 |                      Church St - St Johns Church
Fishermen        |                          |
Huts      -  Waterfront  -  Fish St   - Memorial  -  Dirt Rd  - Woods
                 |           |    |                     |
             Lighthouse   Ruined Abandoned            Pond
                          House    House


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