LKBFR/Play with her until she wakes up

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to have a little fun while waiting for the chloroform to where off. It is not an easy decision to make. You have your choice of tits or pussy. You could get to her ass, but that would take too much effort. You stare from tits to pussy and back again, just like a fat man at the buffet.

You decide to start with her tits. You squeeze her tits, so her nipples are sticking up. Then you take one into your mouth and use your tongue to get it hard. Then you move on to the other. Both nipples are sticking straight out, which you take between your fingers and give a little twist. You again take the nipples, one at a time, in your mouth, and once again use your tongue. You are tempted to nibble on them, but that can wait.

Once you have had your fill of her tits, you move to her pussy. You easily force her legs apart, and the machine keeps them in place. You can just make out the pink pussy being hidden by the black pussy lips. You use your hands to spread her pussy lips, which reveals her pink hole. You use your mouth to suck on her clit to make it stick out, then caress it between your fingers.

You want to do a lot more, but there will be plenty of time when she wakes up.

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