The creep catches you

From Create Your Own Story

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You run as fast as you can into the woods. You are barely aware of rocks and branches cutting into your bare feet, and of branches slamming into your naked breasts, belly, and legs. The sounds of the creep's pursuit are coming closer. You try to run a little faster.

You haven't gone very far when someone grabs your hair and yanks hard on it, stopping your flight and pulling you backward.

You scream and reach up, trying to get the creep's hand off your hair. Your fingers close around something that might be his fingers. You squeeze as hard as you can. The creep bellows, and animal roar of rage, and lets you go.

You spin around to face him, wondering what you can do. He raises his weapon as you look around for a weapon. Can you fight? you think. If not, can you somehow run away from him.

Then it's too late. The creep towers over you. He swings his weapon down, aiming it at your head. You scream as loud as you can and try to block it with your arms, but the razor-sharp blade slices right through them without even being slowed down.

Then the blade lodges in your skull, landing with a thwacking sound.

You fall to your knees, consciousness fading. Your last thought is that maybe your screaming tipped the others off and they can save themselves.

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:Tomas, Andrew, Chris
Dead:Jackie, Nikki, You (a girl who likes girls)
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