D&D: The howling Wolves: Milora ; Half-elf wizard

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Milora is an illuskan woman and a wandering wizard. She is the bastard daughter of a farmer and worked as a waitress in a inn at a young age. She developped magical ability but was discovered by an old wandering vagabond wizard who chose to taught her. He brought her on the road with him, gave her a spellbook and began her training. She abandoned her hometown to follow him but lost him a few years back as they got seperated in a goblin ambush. She has roamed on her own for awhile before she was picked up by Ander and his company. She has pledged her service to him because of the need for money to eat and sleep.

Milora has a delicate figure although she is tougher then she appears from her years wandering the roads. She prefers a robes typical of her craft and wield a magical staff. Self-taught, she brings the magical power of the arcane to the group, able to enhance each member's strengh and sometime bring arcane wrath upon her foes. She is not a very powerful wizard but she does her best to carry her weight. Anders also apreciate the girl's impressive knowledge on all manner of topic.

D&D: The howling Wolves: Ander ; Male human warrior and leader of the company

D&D: The howling Wolves: Sandrine ; Female human rogue

D&D: The howling Wolves: Jevan ; Male human cleric of bane

D&D: The howling Wolves: Lindri; Female elven druid

D&D: The howling Wolves: Farin ; Male human paladin of tempus

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