A knock on the door(BW)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:47, 31 January 2017 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

It has been a few weeks since Emma's meeting with Ty and she's almost forgotten about it except for a dream that first night where she was bent over the hood of a car with Ty fucking her hard from behind. With these thoughts no longer running around her head and Joe having just been dropped off at school she ready to start the house work, when she hears a knock on the door and she goes to answer it.Emma opens the door and Ty walks in with a friend who is a little shorter than Ty.

"Hi Red, this is one of my crew T-dog, you don't mind if we crash here for a few hours?"

They don't wait for an answer but move past her into the family room. Emma closes the door and follows.

"You can't stay here Ty."

"Relax Red, we'll be long gone by the time your kid gets home."

"I pick him up myself he's to young to walk home alone."

"Even better, we can leave the same time as you?"

This isn't going according to plan and Emma is wracking her brains for a solution when T-dog speaks breaking her train of thought.

"You got any beer?"

"No,I don't drink!"

"D'you smoke?"


"Do drugs?"


"I'm glad you got a kid, at least we know you fuck."

Emma blushes as they both laugh out loud.

"I can make coffee if that's okay?"

"Sure." They say together.

Emma leaves quickly and heads for the kitchen, she starts the coffee and ponders again what to do about them, she tries to recall what she said to Ty the other day and then she remembers him asking if the reason for not entertaining him and his friends was because of a lack of time and she had replied yes. That couldn't be what they are here for now surely.

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