"Sounds good. I know just the place."

From Create Your Own Story

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Lacey's smile is, if anything, even wider when you say that.

"Sounds good. I know just the place," she says. She stands up, comes around the table, takes your hand, and guides you out of your seat. Holding your hand, she leads you through a doorway in the back wall, and down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, on the right, is a flight of stairs leading down. Lacey leads you down the stairs, pausing just long enough turn on a light as she does so.

At the bottom of the stairs are two doors. She opens one and you go in. Lacey turns on a light as you enter, then shuts the door behind you. You look around. You are in a small closet, barely big enough for the two of you. There are a few towels hanging up on the wall, and a couple of brooms in one corner, otherwise, it appears to be empty.

"We don't use this closet for anything," Lacey says. "We can have some privacy here."

"Perfect," you say.

What do you do next?:

You are: An 18-year-old woman with HH breasts, in a short skirt and stripper heels
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