Take a look at the board game
From Create Your Own Story
You see that the Venusians were playing a game called Tube Sock Empire.
Piggy: "Figures. What's so great about dumb tube socks anyway? Bet you if they had Beanie Babies on Venus they'd forget all about their stupid socks."
As you say this, a lone Venusian creeps out from behind a rock. He looks very different from the others, though: he's clad in ripped jeans and a faded leather jacket and has a haggard look, like a stray dog.
Venusian: "Did you mention... tube socks?"
Piggy: "Um, I think so? At any rate, please stop baring your fangs at me."
Venusian: "Oh, I'm sorry! It's just been a while since I've found any tube socks. Being an interplanetary tube sock smuggler isn't what it used to be, I used to come by here all the time and they'd just materialize out of this wormhole!"
Piggy: "Why do you guys care so much about dumb tube socks?"
Venusian smuggler: "Tube socks are EVERYTHING! Every Venusian tube sock is made out of all-natural edible fibres, they're a delicacy on our planet. Furthermore, they're very warm and comfy to wear. And finally, of course, they are the most potent weapon in the galaxy."
Piggy: "I don't know about that last one, I have an extremely potent burp."
Venusian smuggler: "Nothing compared to the concentrated essence of millions of sweaty tube socks. Enriched tube sock odor forms the raw material for the Galaxy Squisher being secretly developed by our oppressive military regime. I am a member of our planet's resistance movement, trying to keep as many tube socks away from the regime as possible, always on the run from V.E.A.L. We -"
You're quickly getting bored of the Venusian and you're pretty sure you're missing the 236,356,123rd Survivor season premiere. You: