White couple with two teen children(60 Bi(IE/BM)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:03, 17 August 2016 by Leroyd1962 (Talk | contribs)

You look over as the car pulls to a stop and watch as four people get out, the two who get out the front are in their mid thirties one male one female, the two who get out of the rear, another male and female, look to be in their late teens, they all look hot and bothered after what must have been a long journey. The man starts to unload the car with the boy while the woman opens up the house, the girl wanders down to the jetty you're on.

"Hi sir, I'm Alice, are you on vacation here too?"

You look Alice up and down feeling a definite twitch in your shorts at the sight of her toned body in just shorts and a crop top and her blond hair running down her back.

"Nope, I live here."

"Cool, is there any action here?"

"Plenty, but it's all family orientated, it is a summer vacation spot."

"Damn! I don't want to sound racist, but I only have enough weed for half a joint, and it's not enough to spend two weeks out here with my parents arguing all the time, do you know anyone who sells it?"

"Nope." As she turns to walk away you say. "That's why I grow my own."

She turns back slowly. "Seriously." You nod your head. "Could you sell me some."

"Of course not, I only grow it for personal consumption, of course if you were to come around to see me later while I was smoking a joint, I would be obliged to share after all its only polite, just show me some i.d so I know your legal, don't want to get in trouble with the law."

She fishes out her wallet and shows her i.d confirm she's legal age she then turns and walks away without another word as you continue to fish.


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