Go into the hold.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked & a bit sunburned on a ship

I should go into the hold, you think. You blink at the suddenness and clearness of the thought.

I should go into the hold.

You go over to the large hatch. You look down into the hold. A ladder leads down into the hold, but disappears into darkness. You can't see what lies down there.

But, you tell yourself, it can't be anything bad. This is an abandoned old sailing ship. It's amazing it still floats.

You climb down the ladder into the hold.

Letting go of the ladder, you feel the rough wood of the deck under your feet. You look around. It is still dark, but your eyes are getting used to the darkness. Although the hold is small, it is dark enough that the far wall is cloaked in shadow.

Moving closer to the far wall, you become aware of a patch of darker shadow a few feet in front of you. You stop and kneel down. You look at the patch of shadow, and realize that it is a hole in the deck. Water is visible in the hole, murky dark water. You briefly wonder how the ship is still floating, but then don't think about it anymore.

Satisfied that there is nothing in the hold, you turn back to the ladder, intending to search the rest of the ship. You grab the rungs of the ladder, but then look back. You are in time to see a creature burst through the hole in the hull. It is at least twice as tall as you. It has eight or ten jointed legs, like those of an insect, around its lower body. On top of its body, it has several long tentacles. You also have the impression of claws and stingers, but you can't see for sure. It is hard to see the creature clearly -- it appears to be composed of shadow as much as flesh and blood.

You scream and try to climb the ladder. A tentacle flicks over your head and shuts the hatch. Other tentacles wrap around your arms, your legs, and your waist. The creature begins pulling you toward it. You scream again and try to hold onto the ladder. The creature rather easily pulls you away, and you are unable to hold on.

What does the creature want?:

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