ANH: In the Death Star's prison level.

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As the lift powers up to halt your decent, deep inside the Death Star battle station, you reflect upon the purpose of coming here. Too often... far too often... valuable information is lost within the husks which leave the prison block. The interrogation droids charged with gleaning information from the prisoners often fail... and the bodies are incinerated with their deepest secrets lost.

Only a human mind, with the experience and will to do so, can strip away defenses and reveal the truth, you think as you slide your hands into smooth and supple leather gloves. Flexing your fingers into the gloves and feeling it stretch across your knuckles, you hear the doors part and you take in the scene before you. Two Stormtroopers stand at attention at the far wall... Someone must have alerted them, you think as you take in the tense stances.

The Duty Officer, a nameless Lieutenant, stands at attention at the main console. "Sir." he states, his attention fully upon you- awaiting your command.

Striding into the room, the clack of your bootheels is the only response to the nervous Lieutenant until you are standing directly in front of him. You look into his eyes and see a man of weakness. I will have him moved to a position requiring far less authority, you think as you hold forth a gloved hand. "I wish to review the current hold of prisoners." The officer seems rooted to the spot, so you add an additional, stronger "Now."

The Lieutenant quickly stutters "Yes Sir!" and searches his station's cluttered top. He produces, after some time, a data tablet which you take and review. There are currently five prisoners on this level. Starting with the closest cell, you review the details of each in turn.

Cell 02 contains a smuggler who was caught in the vicinity of the Death Star with a hold full of medical supplies. He refuses to divulge the intended destination and his astrogation computer was wiped clean of any planned jump coordinates. It doesn't really matter to you if the supplies are intended for the Rebel Alliance; you know he cannot leave now that he has seen the Death Star but there may be use from him yet.

Cell 07 houses a captured Jedi who was trying to infiltrate the Death Star under the guise of a Stormtrooper. The voice modulator she had been employing failed, leading to her cover being blown and her capture. Yes, you think, a Jedi would be quite a prize to break. But you caution yourself, remembering the fantastical powers that Darth Vader, a Sith Lord under your command, has exhibited on many occasions.

The listing for Cell 14 piques your interest greatly. Senator Leia Organa, of Alderan, was captured by Lord Vader a few days ago. She claims to be on a diplomatic mission, but Vader thinks otherwise... he notes in the prisoner's summary that only he is allowed to visit the prisoner alone. Curious, you think, but it doesn't deter you from the thoughts of interrogating her personally. If she truly is a sympathizer to the Rebellion, her mind must hold valuable information indeed.

You frown as you view the summary for Cell 19. A Stormtrooper was caught supplying a Rebel cell on Tatooine with supplies and information. He was sent here for "disposal". It seems to you that the trooper's write up focuses too much on his betrayal of the Empire and too little on the information he may have regarding the Rebellion's hold on Tatooine. You make a note that he needs a thorough interrogation.

The last prisoner doesn't have much listed and is only shown by prisoner ID rather than name. It also bears the "Visitation by Lord Darth Vader" restriction that the Senator's entry did. What is Vader up to? you wonder as you scan the scant entry.

So many to interrogate, and you don't have much time before your next meeting with the staff officers. Who do you chose to call upon first?

ANH: Enter Cell 32 - Just arrived Alderaan family

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