BSA/Tell him you need money

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You try to come up with a reason for what you are doing. 'Money,' you think to yourself. 'I could tell him there is money problems. People do all sorts of things when they need money. Besides, it is almost true.' With a forced look of desperation, you say, "I need the money, and this was the best option I had."

He gives you a look of concern, and says, "If you need the money, why not just ask me?"

You force a look of anger and say, "I am no one's charity case. I would not have my nephew give me money out of pity. I will earn every dollar I get."

The look of concern is still there. He says, "It wouldn't be charity. You are my aunt. It isn't right not to help you."

You respond quickly, saying, "It would be charity, which I don't need. What I need is to earn the money."

His face does not change as he says, "Maybe there is a way to earn the money you need from me."

This was the last thing you were expecting. You never thought of earning your money by going to your nephew. 'Feels like charity,' you think, then say, "If it is truly earning the money, than I would accept. But it can't be charity. It can't be paying more than I would otherwise earn, so no paying me a hundred dollars to wash the dishes, or anything like that."

"It won't," he says. "It will be a fair price. You will earn every dollar you get. How much do you need?" he asks with a look of sincerity in his eyes.

'Good question, you think. 'Since I don't really need the money. How much? A hundred, no. Not enough. A thousand? Sounds about right.' With as much sincerity as you can fake, you say, "I need a thousand dollars pretty quickly. There isn't much I can do to get that kind of money."

"Why do you need so much?" he asks.

Another good question. No idea. How about none of your business.' You say, "I just do. Please, don't ask me why?" you force yourself to beg.

He responds calmly, saying, "OK. I won't ask. It is your business, not mine."

Does he:

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