Your Harem

From Create Your Own Story

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Pre=Story Notes

This game has two main modes: Story and Sandbox.

Story involves a linear story, going along a plot, periodically begin able to check on your harem.

Sandbox is a large web type of structure. You will be able to go anywhere and will have every girl in the game already in your harem, regardless of if you've earned them.

You can choose your mode after Mission One

The World

You live in the 6th Sector, a galaxy of close, small planets. Each planet is independently ruled, but their affairs are closely linked. There are ___ planets in the system, each with a different main culture. People of course move from planet to planet via "SpacePasses", portals that link the worlds together. Each planet has it's own flora and fauna, and is unique in more ways than one.

Terra is at the center, closest to the sun at most times. It is much like Earth was before the Great Migration. Dominated by huge cities, it is the center of trade and economy in the 6th Sector. It is more advanced than Earth, although people still range from rich to poor. It's ruling species are human, much like Earth.

Thrane, the desert planet. It is 2nd closest to the sun for 10 months, but for 2 months it's orbit lies closer than Terra's to the sun. Due to this, all vegetation and anything above ground are burned during this period. During this time, the inhabitants retreat to underground bunkers, some as large as whole cities, while others resort to caves. The ruling species is humans.

Florn, the wild planet. It is the 3rd in terms of closest to the sun. It is vegetated wildly, jungles and forest ruling supremely. Vast expanses of untamed dangers lie between large cities. It's ruling species is humans, however they are mages and such.

The Palace, the not planet. Technically speaking, it isn't a true planet, as deemed by the council. Instead, it is where the Ruler resides. It is made up of one, lush, beautiful, tropical island that makes up a palace. No one has yet to discover anything else but water on this planet. The Ruler stays here. The Ruler is not the official ruler of the 6th Sector, and has no absolute power, but he has strong pull. Currently it is an aged man by the name of Q, who will soon pass his wealth and power on, yet has no heir to speak of.

Pajan, the different planet. This planet, 5th from the sun, is not from this reality, but rather slipped through a crack in dimensions. It's culture is much like Terra's. It's in habitats are called "Hents", due to their resemblance to an old-Earth fiction.

Brid, the hybrid planets. The planet consists of various types of settlements, from small, rural towns, to large cities. It is mainly inhabited by Hybrids, crosses between an animal and humans, such as catgirls.

Tyme, the past planet. Consisting of many different cultures, from medieval to ancient, this place consists of all times in the past. It's ruling species are humans


You walk along a cold, rainy street, your coat pulled tight around your fit body. Your brown hair is wet, and dripping into your eyes. 21, and alone in more than one way, you walk back to your apartment. You pass an old beggar, who looks to be ancient. He begs for money. Your kindness gets the best of you and you hand him the last 5 dollars in your wallet. The man jumps up after taking it, startling you. Believing him to be attacking, you jump back, and get into a ready stance. The old man makes a peaceful gesture, and pulls off his dirty, shaggy coat to reveal a nice coat, elegant. Now you're angry you gave him money.

"Greetings, young boy. Thank you for your kindness. I'd like to thank you by, frankly, giving you my estate. I, as you may notice, am the Ruler." While the Ruler was more of a background character in politics and such, people DID know him, and you do recognize that this man certainly looks a lot like him. "I am aging, and must pass on my wealth and title to a young, fresh face. You seems to have a good heart, so I have decided for you to be my heir. You may not believe me, but please follow me and you will see." He walks off, surprisingly quickly for such an ancient figure. You follow, wary. He leads you to a SpacePass station. He goes to the one for The Palace, locked to the public. His first authentication come from him pressing in a long number into the keypad on the doorway, causing a blue glow to fill it. He ushers your through and follows. Withing a moment you are in a sitting room on a tropical island, it's warm, sunny setting a pleasant change. The Ruler come in behind you and shuts off the SpacePass. You admire the view from a large, floor-to-ceiling window, which shows the trees, beach, and glittering waves.

"Ah, yes, my Palace, or, your Palace, soon to be." the Ruler says. A servant walks into the room and bows deeply.

"Hello sir, is this the heir?"

"Yes, I will prep him now, if you will give us time." The servant bows and exits.

"Now, lad, I assume you will be saying yes. All I require is that you let me stay in my cottage on the outskirts of the island, let me be taken care of, and expand the Ruler's power, and then everything will be yours. The first two are simple. The third, not as easy. The Ruler was originally supposed to be much more powerful, almost King of the 6th Sector, but as you know, it is not anything like that. I would like that to change, and I believe you can do it. I have research ways to grow more powerful-money, fame, estate-which you all will have. However, I had that, and it isn't enough. However, there is a fourth outlet. It is seen that in history rulers with great harems of women were more successful and had a greater following. I had a small one, 20 or so young women, now all released, but it wasn't enough. I would like fro you to assemble the largest harem ever, all yours to command, girls from each planet in it. You would become the most powerful ruler ever, and have many girls to please yourself, some at their own planet, some here. What do you say?"



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