User talk:ButtPee

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:26, 13 January 2016 by ButtPee (Talk | contribs)

If you're going to post in one of my stories, please try to use proper punctuation. --Platypus 19:17, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

Will do! I'm posting from mobile, so I might be missing things. I'll try to make sure I double check, though! Good work!

In my stories, choices are limited to choices your character can make. Since your character can't decide to hear something outside, that isn't a valid choice. --Platypus 00:05, 17 November 2015 (UTC)

Gotcha! Will avoid doing so in the future!

Just an FYI about one of the finer points of grammar... When you use Dad or Daddy in place of a proper name, it gets capitalized, just like a proper name would be. Suck Dad's penis. But when you use it in a way that you wouldn't use a proper name, it doesn't get capitalized. Suck your dad's penis. You're unlikely to say suck your Matthew's penis. --Platypus 19:58, 13 January 2016 (UTC)

Thanks! I'll make sure to do that going forward!

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