TPM:Summon your ship from the surface.

From Create Your Own Story

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You retrieve the control unit from your belt and send a coded command to the ship still hidden on the planet below you. Though the Scimitar is one of the fastest starcraft in the galaxy (credit where it's due, Sienar knew his ships, even if he didn't know who he was selling it to) it will still take time for the dagger-shaped craft to take off and arrive at where the royal starship is orbiting Tatooine.

You turn to your new (concubine? Mate?) companion. The young girl is rubbing her sore breasts, grimacing at the ache from where the underdeveloped mammaries are working overtime to replenish the milk they generated earlier. Unaware or uncaring of your eyes on her she turns slightly, fingers moving down her back to massage her reddened butthole.
She catches your eye and smiles shyly. "Sore."

"You know what the best way of stopping it from hurting when we do that is?" You grin.
The girl goes to shake her head, then pauses to reconsider. "Doing more of it?"
You nod. She's a quick learner.

She looks a little distressed. "Right now?"

Now there's a thought.

TPM: Fuck her butt again, right there and then.
TPM: Hold off until your ship arrives and gather the rest of the handmaidens in the meantime.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Maul
The Phantom Menace

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