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Revision as of 07:16, 21 October 2015 by Jealco (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Sweaty, Pissed Off and Lost, Getting Thirsty Apparel and Items: Sweat-soaked Jeans, sweat-soaked long-sleeved shirt, sweat-soaked panties, high-heel sandals
Day, Time Thursday evening
Need to Bathroom Getting worse
Level of Humiliation Some - But Alone

Katie groaned at the thought of continuing as she was. She had to do something to get some air flow around her overheated body. Simply removing clothing was out of the question, as she didn't particularly fancy carrying her clothes with her, never mind if she was surprised by someone. With that in mind, she set out to do what she could about her clothing woes.

Katie poked and prodded her shirt for a moment, trying to remember where certain points were, before removing it. All she wanted to do was remove the midriff and sleeves from it, and lower the neckline so it wouldn't be chafing her neck. She looked at the sodden material in front of her, and tugged at one of the sleeves, trying to tear it loose from its' seam. Surprisingly, it came free without too much of a struggle, though nowhere as cleanly as she had hoped. She repeated the process with the other sleeve, then set about tearing the bottom of the shirt off.

After several minutes of work, the hemline finally gave way, and she tore the shirt up towards where she estimated her breasts would be, then fought with it a bit to round the corners and go around the shirt. The neckline forced her to find a boulder with which to fray the fabric a bit, before it finally gave up and tore free as well.

Grinning slightly, Katie kicked off her heels, finding the sand hot beneath her bare soles, though not enough to burn her, then shimmied out of her soaked jeans. Leaning over her boulder again, she set about fraying the denim beneath the pockets, making holes large enough for her to tear the legs free of her jeans. All of this took her about a half an hour to accomplish, after which she stood, panting for a moment in the receding heat, before putting her newly-modified clothing back on.

Looking down at her handiwork, Katie cringed, blushing despite being alone. She'd taken far more out of her clothes than she'd meant to. The jeans were now short-shorts that Daisy Duke would blush to wear, large expanses of her cheeks bared in back, and most of her thighs in front. She could see her red panties around the frayed edges of the material all the way around.

Her top was an even bigger mess. The hemline was an uneven, ragged mess, which covered the bottom of her right breast completely, but ended all of an inch and a half below her left nipple, baring the bottom of her left breast from the front. What coverage her right right breast had gained there was lost on the side, however. The sleeve had taken a large piece of the shirt with it, and the outside of her right breast was completely bare, with her nipple rather precariously shielded behind material from the side. The neckline came out lopsided as well, a deep U-shaped tear nearly exposing her left nipple from above as well. A thin strip of material was all that covered her left nipple, and bound her top together.

While she felt much cooler, she also felt very exposed in her scanty, torn clothing, but there was nothing to do about that. Testing the sand again with her bare toes, she found it tolerable to walk on, and so she opted to carry her heels, setting off again towards the hill.

With her heels in hand, her pace was markedly faster than it had been, and Katie made reasonably good time across the desert. Her shirt was proving to be problematic, as her nipples kept sneaking out from behind their covering, and no amount of twisting the shirt had helped it stay where it belonged. As the sun kissed the horizon, she found herself at the base of the hill, with the oasis a few hundred feet off. The only problem was, there was no gas station here, and she couldn't remember which side of the oasis it had been on. However, there was a rather run-down trailer parked there, with several rusted vehicles scattered about it, though it appeared abandoned. Perhaps a half-mile beyond the oasis, she could see another road running perpendicular to her in the distance.

Shrugging, Katie made her way to the water, and cupped her hands to drink from the surprisingly cool water, while deciding on her next course of action.

Should Katie...

Climb the hill and attempt to locate the gas station

Search the trailer for something useful

Wait and see if the trailer is actually abandoned

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