Take the fork for the exit

From Create Your Own Story

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With a couple of bad bumps on the noggin, run-ins with monsters, and watching a man die, you decide you've had enough for one day. You take the fork for the exit, breathing easier as the passage climbs and the air gets fresher.

Finally, you see the blessed glow of natural light. Clicking off your flashlight, you climb through a narrow hole in the side of the mountain and emerge into a green valley, bathed in the glare of the late afternoon sun. Memorizing the way to the hole, you climb down towards a dirt road you can see in the distance. Two hours and a hitched ride later, you are back at your hotel in Cuzco.

After a long shower and a hot meal, you sit in your room and think about your course of action for the next day. You now know another way into the mountain, away from the massive skeleton army that is guarding the first entrance. And you have the pendant to protect you from demonic magic. You can go in again tomorrow fully rested and refreshed, and search the underground caverns for something that will make the demonic warlord vulnerable.

There is also a part of you, however, that thinks all this is a little *too* dangerous. After all, you met a man who died in those caverns, and he had the pendant. Is the risk too great? Would it be better to just go home?

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

A light backpack with essential supplies, revolver, sword, Pendant of the Moon Goddess

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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