Julie interrupts you before you can continue

From Create Your Own Story

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"Go ahead then, Brendan. You can start."


"It's Brendan's turn. Seriously..." Julie exclaims.

You were thinking you would get to go next but it's not a big deal. It will come back to you eventually.

"Is it okay if I give a double dare?" he asks.

Julie raises an eyebrow. "What, like something twice as hard?"

"No, like daring both of you."

"What do ya say, sis?"

You shrug, as noncommittal as ever. You'd like to think you're pretty daring. You just hope they don't only pick on you.

"Okay, my dare is... you have to wear each other's panties on your heads!"

Julie nudges your little brother. "When did you become a dirty little freak?"

"My panties?" you repeat. "I'll be bottomless..." you add, trailing off into a whisper

"What was that you said, Steph? Truth or chicken? Care to demonstrate how quick you wuss out?"

Not wanting to give your sister the satisfaction, you swiftly remove your panties and throw them at her. A hand drifts over your crotch as you still find yourself unable to show yourself off so brazenly to your siblings.

"Eww, this is... you're turned on!"


Julie opens up your panties and you all stare down at them. There's a not-so-subtle wet spot in the middle of the crotch. With all your bouncing and nervousness you hadn't even noticed.

"I'm... sweating," you offer, trying to save face.

"I have to wear your pussy spunk on my head?!"

Your fingers anxiously press against your sex confirming your sister's accusation. You stammer through your words. "It's not... I'm just..."

Julie walks over to her hamper and pulls out a pair of bright pink panties. She throws them at you just as you did to her.

"If I have to wear your dirty panties then you have to wear mine."

"Bu-but, that's not fair. You're still wearing panties!"

Julie smoothly dons your undergarment as a lopsided hat. "And we'll both be wearing the other's panties on our heads. That was the dare, after all."

Frustrated but beaten by a technicality, you pull your sister's dirty pink underpants onto your head, making sure not to leave your privates unprotected for very long. Brandon is staring pretty hard.

"Good. So now it's my turn. I da-"

Her turn?! "But when is it my turn?"

"Quit whining. Geez. Brandon, me, then you. Seriously..." She tosses her hair back indignantly, but it's hard to take her seriously in a backwards tank and panties on her head. "MY dare is for you to wear your shirt as pants."

Whaa...? How does that even work? Shirts aren't pants! You're sure she just wants to get you naked.

"I'm waiting!" Julie adds impatiently.

You wave you hands at her. "Okay, okay."

This dare is confusing you. But maybe you can do it without showing too much.

Popping your arms out of your t-shirt you crouch down to the floor and try to stretch your shirt down over your legs. With a lot of stretching you manage to stick one leg through an arm hole, but the entire back of your t-shirt has now ridden up over your shoulders. You're flashing pussy and side-boob galore as you struggle on the ground.

"You look like a retard," comments Julie. She and Brendan laugh together at your odd and exposed state.

"This is hard!"

"Not as hard as Brendan!"

Your brother stops laughing after that comment. What does she mean by that anyway?

Refocusing on your task, you decide that even if you could lift your other leg into the other arm, there's no way that you could walk like that. You'd be all bent over and your bare butt would be sticking out behind you.

Freeing your leg and weighing your options, you make the difficult decision to take your top off. Which leaves you naked. Completely naked in front of your older sister and little brother. Your body is tingling all over. Your hands are trembling a little. You should try to move faster.

You slip one foot down through the neck of your t-shirt followed by the other right after. Wiggle by wiggle the garment makes its way higher up your legs. But your legs are wider than the neck of the shirt. You tug on the shoulder fabric and twist your body to and fro, but after it passes your knees it becomes obvious that there is no way your thighs - let alone your butt - is going to squeeze into this thing.

"This is impossible!"

Julie laughs. "For you, apparently!"

"Can I help her?" Brendan asks, his gaze never leaving your slender form.

"Of course not. If she can't do it she has to take a forfeit!"

"Oh!" he says, this revelation bringing a smile to his face. Brendan shifts in his spot, both hands carefully placed over his jeans.

"Guys, come on!" you whine. You hunch down a bit, trying to shield your chest and pussy from view, as you continue to tug up on your shirt.

"Do you give up?"

Give up; take the forfeit

Beg Brendan to help you

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