Bleach: An RPG - M-Fullbring

From Create Your Own Story

Your performance in the RPG will be partly determined by your choices, and partly by your ability. The ability categories are Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, Toughness and Health. There is a seventh category, MP, but this comes later. Apart from Health, MP, and Toughness, when using them, a die is rolled, and your modifiers will be added to that result. This number is referred to as your "check". In the case of Strength and Dexterity in battle, with prompting from the story you will occasionally roll for your opponent as well and add their modifiers, which will be shown to you.

Strength will determine the power of your attacks, whether they be melee or kido-based. Your check will be compared to your opponent's if they are animate and to a set score if inanimate. When hitting them directly, the amount lost from their health is equal to your Strength roll minus their TOU check.

Dexterity will determine your swiftness. It is particularly useful when it comes to dodging or getting your own attacks in. Your check will be compared to your opponent's if they are animate and to a set score if inanimate.

Intelligence will determine how quickly you learn new things, particularly useful when learning new attacks during training. In and out of battle, a character with a high INT score will have extra options which involve a level of strategy. In both these circumstances your check is compared to a set score. Intelligent characters will also be perceptive when someone is lying or not telling the whole truth and will have a Sense Motive choice. When using Sense Motive, your INT check will be compared to your opponent's Charisma check. NB: All characters who provide information or request your assistance will have a Sense Motive choice available, regardless of whether they're being honest or not. Don't assume that just because the choice exists that the character in question is not to be trusted.

Charisma determines your persuasiveness, as well as your ability to lie. When persuading someone, your CHA check will oppose theirs. When lying, your CHA check will oppose their INT check.

Toughness is your natural armour, the thickness of your skin. When an opponent lands a hit on you, you roll a Toughness check and deduce the result from your opponent's STR check. However, this can never go into negative numbers - you cannot gain health from withstanding an attack!

Health is how much damage you can take. If your health drops to 0, you die. If you were human, this will turn you into a soul. If you already are a soul, then your story ends there.

You have 10 points to spend on each category.

Points remaining: 10

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