Go home and live in seclusion

From Create Your Own Story

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You wait for another bus to come. You sit on the bench, still filled with sadness.

Ten minutes later the bus comes, and you board it silently. You pay no attention to the time. When you get to a stop near your apartment, you get off.

You walk back into your apartment and pick up a banana. You turn on the TV and put it back on the Spanish channel. You don't understand any of the shit the actress says, all you are doing is eating and watching the hot Spanish woman's breasts.

Your attention is pulled away by a knocking at your door.

"Who is it?" you yell.

"Publisher's Clearing House!" The voice yells back.

You perk up. You think to yourself: Did I win a sweepstakes.

You eagerly open the door, only to come face-to-face with one of Fisher's assassins holding a Glock up to you. A bullet flies out of the gun and through your forehead. You fall on the floor dead, blood dripping onto your banana.

The End.

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