Go downstairs and get some cereal.

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to go and eat something. Yay for crucial life choices!

As you make you crash your way through the mess and piles of trash in your room, you notice your shattered alarm clock. Huh. That's where that thing went.

You put it in your pocket. You'll need to toss away some time later.

Is that even an idiom? You'll have to steal a book of idioms from somewhere later to find out.

Anyways, you make it down the stairs and to the kitchen. You get one of the bowls you haven't shattered out yet, and pour some milk into it. You then take some Lucky Charms out of the cupboard and pour a bit into your milk. Not that much. You want to stay thin.

You then pour the rest of the cereal into the trash! Rebellion!!! Yeah!

You're hoping one day that everyone in this household will just crack. Maybe then you won't be the only one skipping therapy sessions.

Now that you haven't finished your cereal (or even started it, for that matter), what do you want to do?

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