Series 9 - The Romantic Rival

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:48, 25 February 2015 by SergeantC (Talk | contribs)

Condition calm Apparel and Items: a tight tank top and shorts, sports bra and small panties
Day, Time Friday, about eight o'clock pm
Need to Bathroom None, yet
Level of Humiliation none

Katie stepped out of the house and locked the door behind her. She placed the key in the hidden spot under the front porch. She went down to the street in front of her house and stretched. When she felt stretched and ready, Katie began to jog.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening. Katie didn't usually jog this late at night -- she much preferred to jog in the morning, but, for various reasons, this had been a busy day, and this was the first chance she'd had to run all day.

Friday was a long day. Katie ran down the street in front her house, turned right at the end of the block, and ran through the residential streets that surrounded her house. After several blocks, she ran across a set of railroad tracks and then into an area of warehouses and small factories, most of which were empty or shut down for the weekend, as a result of the declining fortunes of the manufacturing sector in the town.

Katie didn't think of that. She just knew this was a quiet area to run in. Generally, there was no one around. It was peaceful and quiet, and gave her a chance to think.

Katie ran, keeping her eyes on the end of the block, where she would turn and start the circuit back home. She had already run about five miles at this point. She was vaguely aware that a vehicle was approaching her from behind, but she paid no attention to it.

The vehicle pulled up alongside Katie and then matched her pace. She glanced at it, then looked back at the street in front of her. The vehicle was a van. There were several people in it, but she couldn't tell much about them.

Before Katie realized what was happening, the van's side door opened, then someone grabbed her and hauled her into the van. Katie could feel strong arms pinning her arms and a hand covering her mouth. She saw the side door slam shut out of the corner of her eye, and felt the van speed up.

"Hello, bitch," said a voice Katie recognized. "I bet you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you?"

The speaker was sitting in the front passenger seat. She was a tall, shapely redhead. Her name was McKenzie. Last year, she and Katie had been students in the same school and rivals on the cheer-leading squad. At the start of their senior year, McKenzie had been transferred to the new East High School.

Katie shook her head. She had no idea what McKenzie meant.

"Don't act innocent with me," McKenzie said. "I haven't forgotten how you stole Ethan from me. I promised I'd get even with you, and I keep my promises."

Katie shook her head. She tried to speak, but the hand over her mouth prevented her from saying anything. At the start of their last school year together, McKenzie had been dating Ethan, a member of the school's baseball team. Midway through the school year, they broke up after a rather spectacular fight in the lunchroom. Two months later, Katie started dating Ethan. One of her friends told her at one point that McKenzie was going around saying that Katie had stolen Ethan from her, which wasn't true, and that she wasn't going to overlook it.

Katie hadn't done anything about it. She'd done nothing wrong, after all. Then, because of her location, McKenzie was transferred to East High School for her senior year, and an already vague threat became, in Katie's mind, nothing for her to worry about.

Now, as she looked into McKenzie's eyes, she saw madness. She realized for the first time that she underestimated McKenzie.

"Jessie, Madison, start stripping the bitch. Give me her clothes."

A blonde drove the van. McKenzie sat in the passenger seat. The two back rows of seats were gone, removed in order to make room in the back of the van. In this space, three girls, two blondes and one brunette, held Katie pinned on the floor.

One of the blondes grinned and started taking off Katie's running shoes and her socks. Katie tried to stop her, but the girl simply sat on her legs, pinning them. Since the brunette was already holding her arms, she wasn't able to do anything to prevent it.

One by one, the blonde passed Katie's running shoes and socks up to McKenzie, who threw them out her window.

Then the two blondes, one of them still sitting on Katie's legs, took her tank top off. They passed that, too, to McKenzie, who tossed it out the window as well.

Katie's shorts followed, then her sport bra, and finally her panties.

"Ooh, look at the slutty panties this bitch is wearing," one of the blondes, who Katie had learned was the girl named Jessie, as she ripped them off and handed them to McKenzie. They soon followed the rest of her clothes out the window.

Naked now, Katie tried to squirm her way out of the grip of the girls who held her down, but was unable to get free. Worse, the girl who was holding her arms pulled them together behind her and fastened a pair of handcuffs tightly around her wrists, after first making sure her palms faces outward. Then she fastened smaller metal cuffs on Katie's thumbs.

The girl took her hand off Katie's mouth while she cuffed her, allowing Katie to try to plead with McKenzie. "I don't what you think you're doing," Katie said, "but you don't have to. I didn't steal Ethan from you, and mmmph mmph." Her words were muffled off when the girl behind her forced a ball-gag into her mouth, fastening the straps tightly behind her head.

Katie watched as McKenzie left her seat, clambering over the one remaining bench seat to join the rest of the girls clustered in back. "Bend her over."

Two of the girls bent Katie over. McKenzie hauled off and smacked her on the butt, hard.

Katie squealed and lurched in the grip of the two girls who held her. She closed her eyes as McKenzie delivered another blow, and another, and another.

The spanking went on for quite a while; by the time it ended, Katie's butt was red and sore. She doubted she'd be able to sit down for the next several days.

Katie moaned as McKenzie pushed a dildo up her butt, making sure it was firmly in place before letting go of it.

"Put her on her back," McKenzie said to Jessie and Madison, the two blondes. They did so.

McKenzie, grinning evilly, fastened clamps on Katie's nipples. Then she held up something, showing it to Katie.

"Know what this is?"

It was an egg-shaped vibrator. Katie owned one, but wasn't prepared to admit; she told people she had only seen them in catalogs. "You know what it is," McKenzie said. "Good. This one is unique. Madison invented it. She's very good at the technical stuff. This thing is activated by motion. Every time you walk, you turn it on. The only way for it to stop is for the battery to rundown. The battery is good for four or five hours. Oh, and you recharge the battery as you walk. It's rather clever, really. Madison's pretty proud of it."

Katie closed her eyes as McKenzie pushed the vibrator up her vagina.

Next, McKenzie pulled a bottle out of a pocket. She showed it to Katie. Itching powder, the label said. McKenzie slowly, sadistically, dumped the bottle over Katie, making sure the powder covered as much of her body as she could make it.

As the van slowed to a stop, McKenzie fastened a pair of shackles around Katie's ankles. Then she opened the van's rear doors and dragged Katie out of the van, and onto the shoulder of the road.

She stood in front of Katie. She pointed in the direction they were traveling. "About two miles down is a gas station and convenience store. Next to it is a bar. You can see the lights. The bar is full of rednecks, who might help you, but might take advantage of you. I have no idea if the gas station is open this time of night."

Then she pointed behind them, back the way they'd come. "Your best bet might be to walk back home. Your home is about fifty miles that way. I have no idea how long it will take you to get there like this, and I don't care. There aren't very many cars on this road at the best of times. I don't know how many you'll see."

McKenzie tightened the already tight clamps on Katie's nipples, causing her to gasp in pain. When McKenzie ignored her, Katie tried again, trying to vocalize a stronger protest. McKenzie's only reply was to slap her hard across the face.

Katie gasped again, but then stayed silent. She stood, trembling slight, as McKenzie reached around behind Katie and fondled her butt, spending several minutes, finally ending by squeezing both of Katie's cheeks tightly in her strong grip. Then she said, "Goodbye, cunt. Maybe now, you'll take me seriously when I say I'll get even with you."

She climbed back into the van, closing the doors behind her. Katie watched as the van pulled away. It drove a short distance, then pulled a U-turn and soon was out of sight, not even its lights visible.

When the van was gone, Katie looked around. She was alone. It was dark. She had no idea of the time, but guessed it was ten o'clock or a little after. The night was a little chilly. The macadam of the shoulder of the road felt rough under her bare feet, and her body was already tingling from the itching powder.

Katie looked ahead of her, where the lights of the gas station and the bar were visible, then behind her, where the unlighted road quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Go ahead and get help, she thought, or walk back home and hope to meet someone who could help her on the way?

Katie walks to the bar

Katie walks to the gas station/convenience store

Katie decides to turn around and walk home

Before Katie can decide what to do, a car goes past, and the driver spots her

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