Pool Party/Be mysterious with Jenny

From Create Your Own Story

< Pool Party
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You stay mostly quiet during the conversation, saying little and only giving Jenny occasional eye contact, but when you do, it's deep and lasts a while. Jenny opens up, trying to get you to do the same, but you stay quiet, nodding in response to most of what she says. Eventually, she puts her hand on your thigh as she's talking about how her last boyfriend couldn't make her happy, and you know it's time. You take Jenny's hand and lead her to the dorm building, looking for an empty room. As you search, you see Jim and Mary making out against the wall in the hallway. Jim pulls off Mary's top, and you get a good look at her nice little breasts before Jenny tugs at you and you follow her into a nearby room. It's a bit of a mess, but it will do.

What do you try for?




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