Pour some Sunpus on the elves food

From Create Your Own Story

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"Give me some Sunpus." you say to your brothers, holding out your hand. They give you the fruit, and you say, "Stay here."

You then quietly make your way to the picnic the two elves have set up. Still too focused on having a good time, the elves don't notice you, and you take the fruit and squeeze the juices out all over their food and drinks. After you're sure the food is thoroughly soaked, you quickly and quietly head back to where your brothers hide and wait.

Your heart's beating furiously, as this is the most exciting thing you've ever done in your life, and you can't wait to see if your plan works. Your two brothers give you a friendly pat on the back, and you all look at the two elves continue to play with each other. By the time they get out of the water, you notice that your balls are starting to ache, and if you don't have sex within the next few hours they'll explode with all the backed up semen and kill you.

"You okay, Runt? Is it starting to hurt?" the oldest asks, sounding rather concerned for your safety.

You nod. "Y-yeah. But I'm okay."

The two elves put on some light clothes, and sit down at their picnic, and start casually eating, as they continue to laugh with one another.

"H-how long does it take for the Sunpus to take effect?" you ask.

"With the amount you poured on their food, not long."

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 80
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