Yes, Tell me the important history.
From Create Your Own Story
For the everyday Mortal the world had always been dangerous. Wars, famines,natural disaters ,man made disaster, religious struggles and the day to day trials which all went through made life hard enough coupled with the seemingly anavoidble truth that all mortal life enivitibly ends sooner or later.
Of course that was all before the Discovery Event of 2015.
It all began with the Vampires, hidden peacefully (morw or less) within human society unknowingly infuluencing all aspects of human culture from poilitics to media ,if there was a position of power or influence it was likely that a good amount of them were held by Vampires. They had always been hidden amoung humans and were to always remain this way a system that kept all sides safe.
That was until the day an angry vengeful Pet (Human servants to Vampires) changed ot all sparking onto motion a serious of horrific and life changing events no one had been ready for.
The release of the Plagued Dead known commonly as the Zombies. Dead hungry for flesh, savage and relentless in there hunts never satiated no matter how much the slaughtered and ate, they had been released into the world from there deep underground containments imprisoned by Vampires millenia ago.
Not wishing there existance and interference in humanity known the Vampires covered up apinning webs of lies to the media of " a bio weapons origins unknown designed to control dead flesh through form of virus" not entirely false, theyre plan wouldved worked had it not been for the Werewolves and Werebears involvement.
The Werewolves who had avoided detection amoung humans by living as nomadic people acompanied by hounda to throw off detection, war hungry and always ready to fight they had gone from savage barbarian invaders and mercenaries ,to rowdy biker gangs and the Werebears also nomadic people aometimes reclusive either travelling around as gypsies or living in tight knit self sufficient communities of there own through the ages they hadnt changed much in previous ceturies they worked amoung the human in jobs requiring obedient labour often they worked in lumber carting or jobs as guardsman and other types of law enforcement natuarl fighters also only peaceful by nature.
The Werewolves saw the out break of Zombies as an excuse to fight and make there presense known. While the Werebears sought only to keep the balence and protect those who could not protect themselves as is there nature.
It wasn't long before the humans saw this as an "invasion of hell sent freaks" many claimed it was the end of days while others saw it as exciting and romantic tales come to life.
Forcing their hand the Vampire Elders made there existance known over the 6pm news (which would later be known as the Discovery Event) and all the world dove into chaos as zombie plagues overan the streets turning there dead into more of the very things that had killed them.
Most humans reluctantly accepted the aid of the other beings until eventually a fix was created which controlled the Zombies cravings and savagery and made them into productive members of society those that were encountered were dosed and eventually the War following the Discovery Event ceased (though in place some undosed or those who had returned to feral remained)
Things began to calm as a new world formed one where Humans ,Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves and Werebears all coexisted relatively peacefully and known, many humans resented the Vampires for the Zombies acceptance into there society fearing the previously canabilistic dead Though the benefits of a cheap and rarely tiring work force ofset the flaws for most employers.
The year is 2022 Youre name is Ash Carver soon to be awakened from in induced coma you habe been in since the Discovery Event seven years ago kept as such while the vampires used you to perfect the cure