Show Jessica how to tickle Josh

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'Well', you say, 'it depends on who you tickle'.

'Well who are we tickling?' asks Josh,

'I want to tickle Josh first', you say, bounding over to your brother. Jessica shuffles to kneel next to you, one of you on each side of Josh. Your brother looks a bit sheepish, and you notice that his thingy is getting thinner.

'Oh have you lost your gloop?' you ask Josh, concerned that you and Jessica messed up the tickling.

'No he's just a bit scared', Jessica says knowledgably, 'I'm a bit more intimidating than you Mimi'. With that Jessica reaches out and grabs Josh's lolly, moving her hand up and down it.

'Wow Jessica', you say in awe, 'you didn't even have to get taught!'

'I've tickled some boys too', your sister drops you a wink, 'though this is the weirdest tickling I've done'.

'You tickle with people that's not our family?' you ask, confused. You didn't think you'd want to be naked in front of other people for tickling.

Jessica smiles at you, 'well, you're not really supposed to tickle with your family at all'.


'But we can do it as long as we keep it a secret', Jessica looks at both you and Josh, who she's still tickling, 'agreed?'

Josh nods and you copy quickly. Jessica seems much more relaxed now, so you feel brave enough to say, 'I tickle other ways too'

'Oh yeah?', Jessica grins, her hand stops tickling Josh and wraps around the bottom of it, standing his lolly up straight in the air.

You bend over and wrap your mouth around the top of Josh's penis. You are now an experienced tickler and start sucking on it, moving your mouth up and down, making sure your lips were always on his lolly. You feel your hair get gathered up and out of your way which is very helpful. You only realise it was Jessica when she says, 'you need a haircut Mimi, it's hard to keep it up!'

You realise that you're supposed to be teaching Jessica, so you suck all the way up the lolly and off. You look up at your sister. 'Ok, your turn'.

Jessica has that grin all over her face, 'alright, so tell me what to do',

You relish teaching your older sister, 'ok you just need to pretend it's a lolly pop, and you're sucking all the way up and down. But don't use your teeth like when you use your teeth on a lolly pop and it hurts cos it's cold you don't want to do that', you finish breathlessly.

'Oh, like this?' Jessica asks. She looks at Josh all the time as she bends slowly over, tilts her head to the side, and only closes her eyes as her mouth closes around him. Josh breathes in straight away when Jessica does it, which makes you annoyed; why is she always better at everything?

Jessica is tickling Josh really fast with her mouth, and you watch in shock as she goes almost all the way down Josh's lolly, making your brother groan loudly.

'Don't make him lose the gloop!' you warn Jessica frantically, seeing Josh's face.

Jessica instantly sits up, but her hand stays wrapped around Josh's penis, holding it tight.

'Were you close Josh?' she asks slyly.

'I think the bigger question is how you got good at...that kind of tickling', shoots back Josh.

'Well', says Jessica, looking at you, 'shall we let Josh get himself under control?'

What does Jessica mean?

No, you want to see some more gloop!

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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