Saya/Ruairi/warn the merchants

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Galopping ahead, you reach the traders before the ambush is sprung. You try to warn them of the danger, but with the confusion of the fighting going on they don't hear your shouts while the beasts are getting closer way too quickly for the merchants to get away. Even though you promised to stay out of trouble, this could end really badly if you don't stop them..

You :

Take position to intercept the beast's ambush.

Saya/Ruairi/Keep trying to evacuate them, you'd rather not show them your fighting skills if it can be helped.

Health 100 Equipment:

"Black Dress, silver necklace, Mother's Katana, hidden dagger"

Stamina 100
Mood Eager Inventory:

Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 550, 00, 00
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