User talk:SergeantC

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:56, 24 August 2014 by Uman (Talk | contribs)

Hey thanks for the addition, you nailed right on the head the tone I was going for! - Uman on the Ghost of the Mansion

    Glad I got it. Glad I could contribute -- SergeantC

Good news - I got word from another writing buddy (Ewong) that he is excited by the number of options at our disposal with the Ghost of the Mansion. So I expect some more help to be on its way! - Uman

Your addition was great Sergeant, the only things that really could be over the top for the story would be rape/torture kind of deal. Humiliation is always accepted. Excellent creativity too! I will add onto the new chapter some point soon. - Uman

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