Katie gets lost in the woods

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:38, 14 August 2014 by Uman (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Pissed Off, Soaking Wet, Naked and Muddy, and Lost Apparel and Items: Nothing
Day, Time Thursday
Need to Bathroom Unknown
Level of Humiliation Humiliated - But Alone

Her brunette hair was soaked and clinging to her head and shoulders. Her feet were stinging from walking through the rough forest floor. She was freezing from the cold wind from the foggy clouds in the rocky hills, the same clouds that were still dropping heavy rain into the valley she was in. As a result, her skin was covered in goosebumps, and her nipples poked her arms hard with their stiffness. Katie was regretting shaving her pubic hair now, with nothing to cover her sensitive vagina, even though it wasn't even colder than anywhere else it felt as bad as her nipples. She did her best to warm herself up by rubbing her arms together, but it didn't really help.

"Dammit." she swore in frustration as she struggled through the fog to find her way.

Stomping through the forest, she struggled to find her way back to her car and the road. She continued to fumble her way through the forest for what seemed like hours. The longer it went on, the darker it got, the more scared she got. What if she wasn't able to find the car and the road?

Lost in the Forest - Trip into a Mud Pool

Lost in the Forest - Finds an Old Road and Follows It

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