The park sounds good(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

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You stop by a coffee shop on the way to the park and pick up a couple of coffees.

"So, Sid." You start up the conversation. "How is it you're dropping off your granddaughter for school?"

"It’s a long story."

"I don't mind, it will help to pass the time."

"It started many years ago, when I fell in love got married and we had a little girl, we were only twenty at the time and times were tough, couldn't find a job anywhere, until one day I did now it earned me some good money, my wife hated it but we had no other options, the money got us a place to live, food on the table and put clothes on our back. Well one day I got home from work to find my wife gone, left our daughter upstairs sleeping and just walked away." He pauses as he takes a swig of coffee. "So I continued on brought my daughter up, then she fell pregnant the babies daddy did a runner, but that was okay I didn't mind worthless punk that he was. Then it happened the saddest day of my life when my little girl died giving birth to hers."

He stops for a moment and takes a long drink of coffee.

"I'm sorry." You tell him.

"Thanks, anyway I brought up one girl to be a loving and kind woman, don't see why I can't do it again. I do believe it’s your turn now."

"Okay then." You begin. "Well I married my high school sweetheart at eighteen, and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at twenty, when I was twenty three I was widowed when my husband died in an accident at work, but being a clever man he had all his life insurance and accident insurance up to date and more than enough so I don't struggle bringing up our son."

"We have a lot in common Emma; it will be nice to have someone to talk to at the school gate."

"Agreed, but do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Not at all go right ahead."

"What was the job that your wife didn't approve of?"

"Ah, I was hoping you were not going to ask that, and this being the age of the internet it makes lying about it harder."

"Now I am intrigued, go on."

"I used to work in adult films, under the name "Sid the Snake" then I produced a few films of my own before retiring to bring up my granddaughter."

You look at him in shock.

"Well." He says. "I've got to go now."

He walks away before you can say anything leaving you on the edge of the park quite close to home so you head straight there. Once inside you look at the clock and it's still not even lunch time so you tidy the house, as you are dusting your laptop you wonder if you can find anything on him.

Do you?

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