Go to the nightclub you spotted earlier.
From Create Your Own Story
Some company might be nice. And the nightclub will be air-conditioned, so keeping cool won't be a problem.
It will be even less of a problem because you'll be dressed for it. One reason you want to go to a nightclub is to try out your new clubbing clothes: a pink top that is just long enough to cover part of your breasts, fastens in front with a single strap, and has three-quarter length sleeves, tight low-rise jeans with a g-string under them, and pink high heels. You add earrings and a belly-button piercing to the ensemble, carefully apply your makeup, and you're ready to go. You decide not to bother with a purse, as the only things you need -- ID, room key, some money -- will fit in your pockets, although barely.
When you are ready, you lock your door and go to the lobby. You remember the nightclub as being only a short distance away, but you actually have to walk about three blocks to get there. The cover charge turns out to be quite reasonable, and the bouncer lets you in, obviously approving of your looks and the way you are dressed.
The nightclub is large and dark, with a strobe light flashing off and on, off and on, casting alternating light and shadow across the faces and bodies of the many guests. In front of you is a packed dance floor. On both sides are bars, with tables in front of them and booth along the walls. There is a second level, which, as far as you can tell, contains more tables and another bar. To one side of the dance floor is a DJ booth.
You like this place. You can enjoy yourself here.
What do you do?: