
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:37, 19 April 2014 by Completionist (Talk | contribs)


You open your eyes and realize that you are again back to your original state; that is, floating in some unknown, inter-dimensional space.

"Does this mean that my Jump was successful?" you ask, now knowing that the voice will eventually answer.

As you expected, the voice answers back, "No, you have not."

"Then what happened? Why did my Jump end?"

"It seems I haven't told you yet," explains the voice. "What you have found is a Loophole."

"What?" You are still confused. "What do you mean?"

"These scenarios have been fragmented by time and space and no one has have ever attempted to fix any of them."

"Alright, how does that explain my Jump ending?"

"This Loophole allows you for a moment to change into any another persona in a scenario."

"What caused this Loophole?"

"The man you have met is not intentionally in your scenario. In other words, he has accidentally stepped into a line where both of the universe have intercepted. By attempting to interact with him, you created a paradox within Time/Space and it resulted with a creation of the Loophole."

"So this John or Sky person is from somewhere else? This thing is getting too confusing."

"In any case," says the voice. "Your Transfer Time is short as Loopholes tend to be fixed quickly once detected. Choose your persona quickly."

You choose to:

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