Struggling Male

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:30, 17 April 2014 by Seth Xozen (Talk | contribs)

You are 19 year old college student, soon to be college drop out if things don't start going your way. Your up to your eyes in debt and two months behind in rent, with an eviction notice bound to show up on your door any day now, if don't some get your hands onsome serious cash and soon.You cant depend on family because your parents die a few years back and no other family close enough to ask for money.

You wake up on your couch in front the T.V in your one bed room Apartment.First thing you hear a chance make your fortune.You sit right and turn up the television.

Announcer*: just come down to your local Xozen lab there is one every major city across the the globe,and be one of the first test subjects for the new perfect life drug and get paid for it too. This might be your only chance because when this drug passes it might sell thousands maybe millions on the market. Never again be sick, be smarter, faster and more muscled with more energy with virtually no side effects, but come quick time and space in running out so hurry now.

do you


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