Something else(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

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"Yes Sweetie what is it?"

"Who's this strange man in the front room?"

Your heart skips a beat and you run to him, to your relief its only Bull, but of course he is a stranger to Joe.

"It's okay sweetie this is Bull a friend of mommy's, Isn't that right Bull?"

"Yes Joe, I'm a friend of your mom's."

"Are you staying for dinner too?" Joe asked him.

"I don't know Joe where I live you can't be late home or they throw you out and give your bed to someone else."

"That sucks!"

"I will not have you talking like that young man."

"Sorry mom."

"Good now go watch cartoons."

"Yes mom."

You see Bull barely containing a laugh.

"Don't laugh."

"I won’t Emma, promise."

"OH its Emma now what happened to?"

"Not while the kids in earshot."

Do you?

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