NP/(M)You are a puppy

From Create Your Own Story

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You are a handsome mixed-breed puppy with soft, curly black fur, big, floppy ears, mismatched blue/brown eyes, and a stump where your tail was docked just after you were born. You're about five feet tall, which is average for a pet. Your feet are paws with stubby black toenails, but you have hands almost like a human's, except for the fur on the backs of them. You are lean and slender, with hard muscles under your coat. You love to run and can play for hours without getting tired, but you're just as happy to curl up somewhere warm and be petted.

You look out through the bars of your cage and watch the humans passing by. If you bark, maybe one of them will stop and take you home with them. But who do you want to bark at?

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