Series 1 - Tryouts for Cheerleading

From Create Your Own Story

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Katie gulped as she walked down the hallway, today were cheerleader tryouts. She had talked about it with her sister and her mother, and they supported her decision. As a result, Katie decided to at least go to the practice. Katie was wearing her normal jeans and t-shirt, but besides her normal anxiety about trying out with girls she didn't know, she also realized only a few minutes ago that she wasn't wearing the correct underwear.

Wearing a pair of white panties with red hearts on them and an undersized bra that was causing a lot of extra cleavage. Realizing that her super-embarrassing underwear would be seen by the other girls, Katie was more than a little afraid of what their reaction would be. As a result, by the time she reached the gym doors, she had almost sweat through her shirt.

Once inside the gym, Katie saw several coaches with massive muscles that made them look two sizes too big for the clothes, all talking with each other. Katie opened her mouth but no words came out as she elected to remain quiet until they were done. When one suddenly looked over to her and shouted, she was a little taken back.

"Excuse me miss, what are you doing in here!?" the man shouted.

"Lo.. looking for the cheerleader tryouts." Katie responded with a stumble.

The other coaches turned around and looked at her with frowns as the first coach to notice her continued.

"You are supposed to be in the locker room miss. Why aren't you in there?"

"I'm new here." Katie admitted "I didn't know where to find it!"

The coaches seemed to becoming angrier as Katie made excuss for the messup.

"Then get your ass in there!" the man continued, approaching her.

"Where is the door?" Katie's voice cracked as she spoke.

"Right there!" the coach pointed to his right, meaning Katie's left.

"Thank you..." she responded, her head lowering as she just wanted to get inside the locker room and away from the intimidating coaches.

"Hold it right there!"

Katie froze as the coaches came up around her.

"Where are your clothes if you are new here?"

Katie was hoping that they would have the uniforms ready, she hadn't gone out to buy any clothes for practice. In hindsight, this seemed to be a bad idea.

"I... was hoping I could use the uniform..." Katie told them, looking at the ground as her feet turned inward from nervousness.

"Use the uniform? You realize that these are tryouts, you don't get a uniform until you pass."

Katie mentally kicked herself for going out and buying some clothes. Why hadn't her sister or mother thought of that? Now what?

"...So what should I do?" she dared to ask.

"You could borrow clothes from another student, but we are not obliged to give you anything." the single female coach told her.

"Thank you for the help," Katie quickly said to leave "I'll go ask them then."

"Hold on!" the original coach to notice her said, catching her arm.


"Can you even fit in an uniform anyway?" he asked.

"What?" a lump forming in her throat as she said the word.

"I said," the coach began, spinning her around "Can you even fit in an uniform?"

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be able to?" Katie asked him in all honesty.

"Your butt is quite large." the female coach said bluntly.

"What!?" Katie replied incredulously.

"Look at it!" the third coach said, moving to the side to get a better look "It looks big, even in those jeans!"

"Katie please remove your jeans so we can get a better look." one of the male coaches told her.

Katie bit her lip and paused to contemplate just leaving now. She wasn't absolutely set on becoming a cheerleader, and in her first meeting with her coaches they were asking to see her butt. She could still leave through the door and cut her losses here! But logic told her that this was probably just "one of those things" that she needed to do, and that things would only get better from today. Ignoring her gut feeling, Katie undid the button and zipper to her jeans, letting them go loose. Katie then slid her thumbs under the sides of the denim and pulled down.

"Its pretty big."


"Maybe too big."

Katie's heart sank as she heard her coaches talking about her butt like that. On top of the fact that they were staring at her butt, she also had on her very child-like red-hearted white panties. Looking behind her back, she had never really thought it too big before, but now it did look pretty big. She tried making it look smaller by clenching it, but in effect it only made it jiggle as she let go.

"Hmm..." one of the coaches mumbled.

Katie could tell that her coaches weren't very happy. But she realized that besides this VERY awkward exchange with her coaches, she was now in her panties in the school's gymnasium, if any of her classmates walked by then they would see her in her panties! She knew the cheerleaders would be coming out soon! She needed to get in the locker room fast and ask for those clothes!

Katie is allowed to go to the locker room to find clothes

The coaches want to inspect her further

The cheerleaders come out and see Katie in her barely clothed state and make fun of her

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