Double-Blind Desire - Story Parameters

From Create Your Own Story

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This is an open, character and plot driven erotic mind control story. Play an existing character, or start a new character character. Story background is open to any age/gender main leads, however there are a few basic rules I would like to ensure.

- Use details. I am aiming for deep emotionally captivating smut, not your Sunday morning's funny kind.

- Abilities should use MP points where applicable to progress the story, MP's can be recharged in various ways. But mental manipulation on a larger scale should use more, and visa-versa. This is to add both a realism and RPG feel to the ability, and to provide a challenge to myself and others willing to contribute. Basically, use and scale MP accordingly where applicable.

- Someone in your family is a psychiatrist.

- Timeline is "somewhat" in the future in a "modernized" suburban outskirt, just outside a major metropolis.

- Supernatural is only slightly-discouraged as I would like to keep a strong level of realism alive, but it is allowed as long as it can be science-fictionally justified to belong in the story (i.e. you overdose and body transmutes into some horrid unnatural being OR vampires exist because you find out the drug is produced by vampires using their blood for OR she suddenly becomes a he because you kidnapped a research scientist who is a hermaphrodite working on a experimental gender bender)

- YOU discover a small batch (1 month supply/possibility of finding more later but limited to start) of TWO top-secret developmental drugs that consequentially has the ability to briefly manipulate minds and permanently alter memories.

Drug#A - Used by story lead character; user can briefly manipulate thoughts of non-drugged characters, maintains a deeper extensive control of drugged victims with ability to permanently alter memories.

Drug#B - Used on Victims; those drugged will become most vulnerable to the manipulation.

  • Drug is pill form and can be ground up.
  • A recommended "safe" dose is recommended and will last 1 full month. However, more may be taken by either the main character or his victims, correspondingly this will shorten supply, enhance effects and amplify side-effects.
  • IF anyone takes both pills at once, insanity and hallucination may occur.
  • Drug should have side-effects, and I hoped they are used... so thats where I would like this to start.

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