Liam, searching his dad's car keys

From Create Your Own Story

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It's 6:00 and you are in your fathers private study. Where are they, you mutter angrily. You have been searching for the best part of an hour for your dad's keys and his desk is the last place they could be. You need to go to your girlfriends house for some sexual release, you have already jacked of three times today. You have already search through all but one of the desk's draws and their dishevelled state is proof of this. You pull out the last draw only to find a curious little device on top of some papers. You take out the device and look at it curiously, it is small and black with a touch screen covering most of the front. Your about to put it back when all of a sudden the device lights up showing a green button at the screens centre. Your intrigue gets the better of you and you press it. The button fades away and a bar chart now illuminates the screen. The chart is split into 7 sections one for each family member. Above each family name are three bars one reads reluctance, the other sexual knowledge and the last hornyness. At the moment hornyness is at 50% for each of the family, reluctance is 10% and sexual knowledge varies for everyone. You are slightly confused by what these bars are. You start messing about with the screen.

What do you do.

set amy's hornyness and sexual knowledge to 100%

set india's hornyness and SK to 100%

set your mothers hornyness to 100%

set emily's hornyness to 100%

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